



This policy explains how we use cookies and electronic analytics.

Cookies are small files that websites place on your computer, mobile phone, tablet or other device. They remember your visit to the site and your preferences, and also enable additional features of the site. They may also tailor the information or advertising you see on the site and on other websites. The use of cookies is a common practice; many websites use them and most internet browsers automatically accept cookies. We provide this information to help site visitors understand the different types of cookies and how we use them.



We use cookies on the website to collect information about how visitors use the website and to collect standard analytics to collect data to improve the performance of our website. This is important to us as we want to improve the site and make it as user friendly as possible.

We use cookies to track the items in your shopping cart and make payments. We may also use cookies to understand customer buying patterns and how customers choose the products and services they end up purchasing, as well as to measure the success of our advertising campaigns.

In addition to cookies managed by our site and service providers that help us operate our site efficiently, some cookies are set by other companies that are part of larger advertising networks. These cookies help determine when people continue to purchase the advertised goods or services and prevent you from receiving the same advertisement multiple times.

However, none of these cookies collect any personal information such as a person's name or email address. Any information gathered through cookies is collected on an aggregated or anonymous basis.



If you wish, you can disable cookies in your browser and delete all cookies stored on your computer. You can do this as often as you like.

To find out how to do this for your specific browser, go to the "Help" section in your browser's menu.

You should be aware that if you choose to disable cookies in your browser, this may prevent you from taking full advantage of the MaxWall website as some or all areas of the website may not work for you.

Some of the cookies we use on our website are considered strictly necessary for the operation of certain aspects of the website. Therefore, please be aware that if these cookies are disabled, we may not be able to provide certain services that you have requested.



Some of the information we collect is provided voluntarily by you (and therefore with your permission), such as when you sign up to join a mailing list or submit a request.

If you buy goods from us, most of the information we collect is necessary so that we can perform the contract between us.

The rest of the information is collected for our legitimate business purposes, including:

● to keep in touch with current, past and potential clients

● to gain insight into how our customers interact with us so we can deliver the most relevant products and services

● to monitor the use of our website and improve its features

● to identify suspected criminal activity and take appropriate action

● to manage our supply chain and relationships with our suppliers

● to protect our rights



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